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Application technology and configuration of chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment


Organic fertilizer equipment is a kind of special organic fertilizer. This equipment also has a certain process when used, which needs to be used according to this process, otherwise it will seriously affect the use effect of organic fertilizer equipment. So, what is the basic process of using organic fertilizer equipment?

The equipment of chicken manure organic fertilizer production line is divided into three configurations:

High configuration chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment: chicken manure dehydrator, fermentation stacker, semi wet material grinder, horizontal mixer, granulator, dryer, cooler, drum screen, coater, packaging equipment, belt conveyor, etc.

It is equipped with chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment: semi wet material grinder, horizontal mixer, granulator, dryer, cooler, drum screen, packaging equipment, belt conveyor, etc.

Low configuration chicken manure organic fertilizer equipment: semi wet material grinder, horizontal mixer, granulator / drum screening machine, packaging equipment.